Did you hear about the telephone operator who got fired from her job? Yea, she had a lot of “hang-ups.”
Classic Timeless Ageless
To Pun or not to pun, that is the question?
It is well documented that William Shakespeare used puns in his plays. So, apparently, while he liked to use his words in a play he also liked to play with his words.

Were you aware that there are people who can’t use electrical devices in their homes? The easiest way to tell is to see if they have a sign on their street that says “NO OUTLET”.
So, if you are still reading this, I guess you appreciate puns. To the chagrin of some people, puns actually are included in the category of humor. They say that humor, has the ability to make someone laugh and has many other benefits as well. It can relieve stress and tension, help relieve pain, and improve your mood, just to name a few. While I agree with all of that, I do have one question. What about those individuals who hear a pun and groan or roll their eyes? Do they get the same benefits? Well, we’ll leave that for the researchers.
I’ve been known to throw a pun or two into a conversation from time to time. Ok, it’s more often than not. In fact, most people I know have grown accustom to it. I am often asked, “how do you come up with this stuff?” I guess the real question is, how did I get so connected to puns in the first place?
When I was a kid, I realized early on that my dad had a good sense of humor. Of course, like everything else, you tend to learn what you experience, even more so then, what you are told. So, humor it would be. I honed my craft and learned to use it in a variety of ways-gaining acceptance, deflecting topics that I didn’t want to discuss or just to get a laugh. However, it was my brother who introduced me to serious punning. He was 3 years older than me and being a typical younger sibling, the competitive nature of our relationship was about to get a work-out. I was determined to at least hold my own with his ability to pun, but the real goal was to do it better. So, we let the games begin. We would go back and forth endlessly trying to one up each other. As in any field, the way to get better at a skill is to compete against the best. My brother was a really bright guy and was always up to the challenge. As for those who know me, they have come to realize that I have used humor and particularly puns, since my introduction to them back in the day.
There are many puns that I refer to as “standard” puns, you know the ones that everyone uses for a familiar topic like “trains.” The ones that you “engineer” that will work to keep you on “track” so you don’t get “steamed up.” Electric trains are easier to manage because they are good “conductors.” But, as long as no one gets upset and “rails” against you, you’ll be fine. Then there are the poultry puns. You know, the ones where people “egg” you on to say. However, be careful you don’t come up with a bad one, for those can “come home to roost.” Sometimes you try to “feather your nest” with some marginal ones and that’s nothing to “crow” about. In any event, even if it’s not a great pun, you have to try, you can’t be “chicken.”
But the joy of puns for me is when I’m in a conversation with someone or I find myself in a situation, to be able to to come up with a pun on the spot that fits that particular conversation or situation. That is both challenging and rewarding. The faster I can come up with the pun, the more fun it is and if there is someone else there that enjoys creating puns, well, that’s even better.
It is said that we are supposed to use our talents to make the world a better place. As we all move forward, I will continue to find opportunities to create puns whether the response is a groan, an eye roll or a belly laugh. It’s important to laugh whenever you can because it can help keep you healthy. To be able to brighten each day with a pun, is no joke…it’s a pun!
P.S. As luck would have it, had my brother not been enamored with puns, would I be the punster I am today?
Bob Esp