When I Joined the South Country Lions Club in Bellport NY during the 1970’s the senior’s members of our group told me stories of why we were important to our community. My sponsor, John Albin was President at that time. He explained our mission of how we serve our community by providing eyeglasses through our local grammar schools, for those who could not afford to buy them. Meanwhile we also felt that it was important to let our community know that any “Time” they need help we will always be there to help them. That’s why in November of 1985 we decanted a clock in the village of Bellport stating South Country Lions along with the Lion’s Logo. It was a team effort,
The clock is the brain child of Lion Joe Zaffuto. Joe thought the clock would be well accepted by the village as a gift in return for the village to maintain it and power it. Bellport Mayor Trotta at the time agreed. Now to find or build a clock, a totally new clock was beyond the budget of the Lions Club. Lion John Tallarine was a traveling salesman for The American Boiler Co. In John’s visits to Connecticut he was told about a salvage company that purchased the excessed gas light poles in Central Park. John brokered a deal and purchase one of the iron pedestals. The only catch was someone had to pick it up. Lion Richie Emma volunteered and drove to Connecticut in a station wagon to pick up the pedestal.
Meanwhile Joe Zaffuto brokered a deal with the Neamire sign co to restore the pedestal and manufacture the clock, and its movements. A local merchant agreed to power the clock. Mayor Trotta arranged for its installation. Additionally a bronze plaque is embedded in the concrete at to base of the clock with the then Members of the South Country Lions Club. As recalled by Lion Nick DePalo

The Lions, provided Scholarships for College, We also helped our infirm seniors by building ramps for their home for easy access. If our seniors had important Doctor appointments, our members would provide transportation for them. It was important to note that our services for the community were at no cost to the individuals who needed our help. All overhead expenses we absorbed by induvial members and our club through various fund raisers. That our club provided through various programs in our community. The thing that struck me was that we knew where all our money was going to help our community. It turned out that the founder of our service organization during the late 1940’s was Felix Grucci Sr. Yeah, you guessed it ,“The famous Fireworks guy” who found time during his crazy business schedule to help his community in Bellport, NY. The by product organization was the social aspect of bring our families together. When we were younger our children enjoyed many of our social events like the fourth of July parade and competition with other Lion Clubs in Suffolk County. Unfortunately, our club is getting older and were not recruiting new young members that

are the lifeblood of our future.
So now we’re reaching out to our friends and family to help, us grow the new South Country Lions Club, with a new croup of dedicated members so that we can keep our very important organization alive to continue the good work that needs to be done.

Grucci Family History
Southern Italy is the Grucci ancestral home. Angelo Lanzetta, founder and great-grandfather to Felix Grucci, Sr., started it all in 1850. In 1870, he brought the family's pyrotechnic artistry to Elmont, Long Island, New York, entering America as an immigrant through Ellis Island. FelixGrucci,Sr.-and-ConcettaGrucci-at the first factory
After Angelo's death in 1899, his son, Anthony carried on the family business and in 1923 brought his nephew, Felix Grucci, Sr., to serve as an apprentice. Competition was strong, but the firework market weak. Early in the Depression, they moved their business to Miami, Florida in hope of greener pastures. But, homesick, and at the urging of the family, they returned to Bellport, New York in 1929 to continue their business. The Grucci family are a big part of the Bellport Village they live with us, and future generations of their family grow with us. We are doing our best to continue Felix Grucci’s mission to help all the people in our community.