Gibson Yacht to West Point By: Frank Cornacchiulo
Prior to my developing a working relationship with Gibson Associates I heard from Aunt Sarah that her brother Anthony Grimaldi is the president of oh this large plastic manufacturing firm in New Jersey. I thought at the time that this may be a benefit for me since I was employed by the W. Braun Company in making plastic bottles and closures for the cosmetic industry. Apparently, Aunt Sarah mentioned that I was employed by the W. Braun Company in supplying various cosmetic companies in the industry. One day I received a call from Mr. Grimaldi inviting me to come with his business associates on a trip on the Gibson Yacht from Nyack, New York, up the Hudson River to West Point where we would attend a football game between the Army and Navy that weekend. I was totally surprised to receive this invitation. Because I did not have a business relationship with Mr. Grimaldi’s company at that time. It turned out that and Sarah and my wife Frances mother Anna Arcati are first cousins therefore Anthony Grimaldi was also a first cousin, and this family connection could benefit my working relationship with the Gibson company. other companies that were invited on this trip where from Colgate Palmolive, Lever brothers, and others companies that were substantial multinational corporations, in our business.

So, I called my wife Frances from my office in New York City and told her about the surprise invitation I received from Gibson associates. the trip was planned for the upcoming weekend that was three days away. so I asked my wife to please order a bushel of clams and a metal wash tub that I could fill with ice for the clams lemons and other like horseradish, ketchup and such. I told Frances that I would also need clam knives to open the clams. I was not done with my shopping list because I requested 5 lbs. of spaghetti and 3 gallons of homemade wine from Brooklyn. At this point my wife thought I was crazy. But I explained to her that there are only men taking this trip and be Gibson yacht also had a large galley for me to prepare this clam dinner for all the guests on the ship. thankfully she was able to put together the shopping list I requested.

When it was time on Saturday morning for me to collect all these items and put them in the trunk of my car for my trip to Nyack NewYork. I never met any of the people which included Mr. Gibson, with his son Chip and twelve other executives that were primary customers that did substantial business with the Gibson corporation, and that's why Mr. Gibson was entertaining his guests for the football game trip to West Point. As I was driving to me everyone on this boat trip up the Hudson, I started thinking to myself this was a crazy idea, but I had a feeling That the men on this trip we'll turn out to Happy to see the surprise fish dinner I assembled. So I pulled into the parking lot and met for the first time the Gibson salesman, Sal Parise. After I introduced myself to Sal he directed me towards a parking area which was away from the boat. That's when I asked Sal for permission to park closer to the boat at the Marina so that I could unload some of the items I prepared for the trip, he looked confused but directed me closer to the boat as I requested. That's when I opened the trunk of my car and asked him to help me move all the items the boat. At this point I received a very warm greeting from Mr. Gibson. When I told him my plans for the fish dinner on our way to see the football game at West Point. After drinking some of the homemade wine and teaching many of the guests on the boat how to open the clams eat some raw with lemons and Tarter sauce. I started to boil some water for the pasta and the white clam sauce I made with clam juice, Fresh Parsley, garlic, olive oil and hot pepper. Well, we were like drunken sailors putting this all together and the galley and enjoying the dinner we made ourselves.

the food was great the wine was a perfect touch and at West Point Army won the game. We continued our celebration on our return trip to Nyack New York. It turned out to be a perfect day. I made many friends with the customers that attended this event including Mr. Gibson. I was so happy that I had this inspiration and gambled, that I would receive a positive reaction. On this, out of the clear blue, impromptu fish dinner, along with the homemade wine. I knew what was right, in spite of all the misgivings my wife had when I was to put this crazy festive dinner for a bunch of crazy drunken sailors. Any misgiving I would have had changed when several months later Mr. Gibson called me directly and invited me again to go with them on another trip which included our wives. He also added, we had such a great time the last time you came with us, and I would appreciate it, if you don't forget to bring the clams. Sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling, and this time it was a "Big Win" because we formed a close relationship and our business grew and grew over the years to a substainal multy million dollar business.