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Company Perks & Family Adventures By: Frank Cornacchiulo

Writer: Frank CornacchiuloFrank Cornacchiulo

Updated: Mar 2

What is happenstance? (coincidence) and what is Luck? (success brought about by chance). My book, Happenstance and Luck, is a collection of short stories created By Frank Cornacchiulo and associates. My short stories (Company Perks and Family Adventures) is only one example what happens to each and every one of us, as we journey through life.

During a trip to China for Met-Rx sponsored Strong Man competition, My son Patrick, had the incredible opportunity to not only promote his company's products but also immerse himself in the vibrant culture and breathtaking landscapes of this exotic destination. The experience of traveling to such an exotic place not only enhanced his understanding of the global market but also allowed him to forge valuable connections and gain insights into the preferences of international customers. Overall, this journey was a remarkable opportunity to promote his company and its products while embracing new experiences and creating lasting memories. In addition, Patrick also had an opportunity to invite his brother, Frank, to enjoy this experience and to have quality time together. They were always close, but their busy schedules often make it difficult for them to spend quality time together. They both have demanding jobs, and hectic personal lives, so finding the time to bond was a challenge.  Together they explored the rich cultural heritage of China, trying traditional cuisine, visiting iconic landmarks, and immersing themsetves in the local customs. This trip taught them, it's not just about the experience, but about the chance to strengthen their bond and create cherished moments that thay will both treasure forever.

A different event occurred at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, which is the home arena for the New York Islanders. When our family arrived at the skybox, we were greeted by the team's management and introduced to the present and past great Islanders players. It was amazing to see legends like Mike Bossy, Bryan Trottier, and Denis Potvin up close, sharing stories and signing autographs. The skybox itself was luxurious, with comfortable seating, a private bar, and a buffet of delicious food. Little did I know that there was a surprise awaiting me. They presented my son with a fully customized Islanders uniform, complete with my name "Cornacchiulo" proudly displayed on the back. To top it off, they provided him with a pair of ice skates, although he had never played hockey before. The excitement and nerves were overwhelming as he stepped onto the ice. However, the professional hockey players were incredibly supportive and made him feel like he belonged. They played a friendly promotional game. It was an unforgettable experience, for our family. The photos capturing this event alongside the hockey greats are cherished mementos that that our family proudly display to this day.

On the other hand my son, Francis John Cornacchiulo, began his computer career when he was a teenager. He was selected to be an Intern for the IRS in New York. His first out out of town trip for the IRS was in DallasTexas. When he completed his assignment at the IRS he continued College at RIT in Rochester, New York. After graduating RIT with a Computer Science Degree

 He was hired by REFCO a commodities trading companies. Over the years he continued his career with many financial corporations. For instance, Deutsche Bank, Shadow, Merrill Lynch and many orther global companies in excutive positions, Mostly all were located in the downtown Wall Street area. He was there for both bombing attacks (1993 & 911) on the Twin Towers. Unfortunately, he was one of many people covered with debris running for their lives, when the Towers collapsed.

As an high level excutive computer programer and analyst he also was required to move to Germany for a year, and other locations around the world such as Italy, Egypt, Bermuda, India, and others that I can't recall.

My son Frank also had a memorable event because of his company perks.  Frank was selected to represent the State of New Jersey when he was invited to the White House. The invitation was to participate in celebrating the National Maker Faire, an event that showcased the diverse array of maker projects and emphasized the significance of hands-on STEM learning experiences. This prestigious opportunity came during President Obama's National Week of Making, further highlighting the importance of Frank's role as a representative of the state. Frank felt deeply honored to be chosen as a representative and

was eager to contribute to the celebration of innovation and creativity at the White House.

More recently, my son Patrick, represented his company at the New York Stock Exchange in New York City. He was very excited to declcare their support to fight for the cure of breast cancer on behalf of all woman through the Susan G. Kormen Foundation. Patrick told me that it turned out to be one of his greatest days of his life.

My youngest son, Daniel, excelled in math and science and made his way to Columbia Universitywhere he graduated with PHD as a Civil engineer and he also became a Hydrogeologist. Prior to Columbia he met his wife Grace, at Binghamton Univervrsity. They got married and moved into our family home in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, New York and started a family there. It's funny that when people ask my wife Frances and I "What do your boys do? We tell them well, "we taught all of them, how to fish," In many ways I always encourage my sons to follow my career example in being in an upper management position, which comes with company responsibility for achieving company grouth in hiring and managing personel to create a productive team while maintaining the goals established by upper management. I always devoted my time and effort to my company and I traveled throughout the USA and Europe. I reminded my children that people are impressed with the fact that I went to Italy often for business. I would tell them, yeah, I went to Milan, Italy and in doing so, it took me away from my family, which I did not appreciate.

It's wonderful to visit exoic places but there is a high price you pay for all that travel. The perks, can sometimes, be offset with missing your family while you're traveling for business. But it's great when your family comes along with you. One year, I was invited to visit the new Mets Baseball Citi Field Stadium, honoring Jackie Roberson number Forty Two, on a private tour with my son, and my two grandsons, Patrick and Nicholas . We had a ball (no pun intended) getting to know the people who run the place along with seeing what happens in the skybox where the anouncers who report the play by play during the game. We had a great time that day. There were also many opportunites over the years, for my wife, Frances and I to attend a company management meetings in Disney World Florida, after which, we would visit the amusement park.. There is no dout, that being in upper management has a lot to offer. As parents, we do our best to educate and inspire our children to work hard and to do their best to reach this high level of management, which in turn will benifit everyone in our family.



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